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How High Performers Are Sometimes Kept from Taking Action



There’s one sneaky little devil that creeps in and trips up even the highest performers in any field. 

This little stinker is so easy to overlook. It even comes to you like it’s your friend

But it most definitely is NOT. 

In fact, after spending years...

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How to Strengthen Your Mindset without Messing with Mindset



I hope you won’t mind if I get a little weird with you today?

This “weirdness” is what allows some coaches to really connect with their market and be a go-to expert, even without trying...

… while the coaches who don’t get this keep banging...

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What to do when you feel trapped or stuck?


Many coaches are so big on having a Positive Mindset that we normal humans can feel insecure or like we’re doing something wrong if we have “one of those days.”

Can’t it sometimes feel exhausting trying to always be positive?

Not only that, but I’ve seen the...

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The 2R Method to Eliminate Procrastination from Prospecting

Have you ever found yourself TRYING REALLY HARD to pump yourself up to start prospecting...

But then excuses pop up automatically that make you procrastinate and keep you stuck?

When I first started my coaching business, I was a Procrastination Maestro.

But then I found 2 secrets that helped me...

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Why “More Motivation” Could Be Holding You Back

l month long we’ve been talking about the importance of motivation in the CRUSH Method vlog.

And this week?

We’re going to show you how too much motivation (or motivation incorrectly applied) can actually keep you feeling stuck, frustrated, and without clients.

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Why you need a life Plan



Yeah, that was my general reaction to the idea when I was first approached with the idea…

Being the productivity nut that I am, even I was intimidated by the idea of planning out my entire LIFE.

It seemed too constraining, too intimidating, just,...

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Tapping into what you Really Want

This week I share some ideas to get you to understand what you really want and how to get there such as journaling (even if you have tried it before).

I also give you a little tour of the office – my personal space for making it happen!

Reflective Question:...

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The Three 3s Keeping Me Focused

This week I share with you a ritual that I started a few years ago while developing my daily routines to better support my success…

Here they are for you!

Three sets of 3 items I reflect on at the end of each day: 

  • Three accomplishments – Take time to celebrate what...
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How to Weekly Review like a Boss

I’ve talked about weekly reviews before, here’s a bit of insight into the ritual surrounding it, and why a weekly practice works even better than crashing into each week unprepared!

Reflective Questions: Do you have a weekly review? If not, what is keeping you from adding it to...

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Speaking Confidently

Are you recording video? Do you have to go to networking events? Do you live with someone?  In all of these situations, speak and confidently is an absolute asset!

Everyone needs to work on their speaking skills, and most people need the most focus on speaking confidently. Tune in this week...

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