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The 2R Method to Eliminate Procrastination from Prospecting

Have you ever found yourself TRYING REALLY HARD to pump yourself up to start prospecting...

But then excuses pop up automatically that make you procrastinate and keep you stuck?

When I first started my coaching business, I was a Procrastination Maestro.

But then I found 2 secrets that helped me...

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Why “More Motivation” Could Be Holding You Back

l month long we’ve been talking about the importance of motivation in the CRUSH Method vlog.

And this week?

We’re going to show you how too much motivation (or motivation incorrectly applied) can actually keep you feeling stuck, frustrated, and without clients.

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“What’s wrong with me?!!”

Have you ever been lying in bed, staring up at the ceiling, and wondered:

“What’s wrong with me? Why can’t I figure this out?”

I sure have.

In fact, when I first started my coaching business, those nights happened more than I would like to remember.

There were times when it...

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Why Mindset Isn’t Enough for Success in Business (or Life)

Boy oh boy do we have a controversial show for you this week!

You know how you hear so many people talking about mindset?

Mindset is important, for sure...

But, we’re gonna go completely against the grain here and let you know the truth:

Mindset is only 1/2 of the equation.

And without the...

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