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How to Release Things That Don’t Spark Joy

If you haven’t heard of Marie Kondo’s book The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up: The Japanese Art of Decluttering and Organizing – it’s a gamechanger. She is a decluttering guru and lays it out simply…if something doesn’t give you...

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Mornings That Motivate

productivity self-care Feb 18, 2018

When you win the morning, you win the day. Tune in this week for some simple ideas to raise your morning routine game, even if right now you don’t have a routine you love.

Reflective Questions:

What is your morning routine? 

What is one, tiny, tweak that could improve it?

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How to Serve – And Stop People Pleasing

This week I share with you a story of my own journey as I shifted from people pleasing, to learning to give, in service…

Sometimes, doing good for others gets out of hand, and you find yourself spending too much time and energy trying to please others. Perhaps you’ve...

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Don’t Forget the Fun!

Think about the fun things you have done in your past. There is no better time then the present to reincorporate these back in your life.  Make time each day to engage with something that’s totally unrelated to your daily responsibilities to just have fun—even if...

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10 Ways to Practice Mindfulness You May Not Have Tried Yet

Mindfulness is a state of active, open attention on the present. When you’re mindful, you carefully observe your thoughts and feelings without judging them good or bad.

Instead of letting your life pass you by, mindfulness means living in the moment and awakening to your current...

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Multiply Your Time Investments

What would you do with a lot more time each week because so much of your week runs on autopilot? Save HOURS with this strategy…

Time multiplication requires you to put a bit of a time investment up front but that investment will pay back tenfold! 

I have some great suggestions for...

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Using Context To Make Things Happen

This week we’re going to switch up the context for these videos as I take you on a nearby nature trail…

I share with you some of the energetic struggle that I felt back before I started studying productivity, and share the single “hack” that shifted everything in my...

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Exercise for Your Mind

*Disclaimer* Before starting a new fitness routine, be sure to consult with your doctor first. Really.*

This week, on Making it Happen, I’m all decked out in my workout gear, sharing with you some personal growth stories around embracing the role of paying attention to my physiology in my...

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Quarterly Date Day

relationships self-care Sep 03, 2017

Welcome back to another episode of Making it Happen, with Amanda Kaufman. This week is a bit different because we recorded on my iPhone as we drove to the airport so I could fly to a friend’s wedding… How appropriate that this week I planned to talk about a relationship practice my...

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Claiming Your Greatness

Welcome back to Making it Happen, I’m your host, Amanda Kaufman! Each week I’m writing and vlogging on the topics of personal productivity and mastering your personal performance. I want to share what I have learned to help high achieving breadwinners stop the silent decay of self...

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