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Quarterly Date Day

relationships self-care Sep 03, 2017

Welcome back to another episode of Making it Happen, with Amanda Kaufman. This week is a bit different because we recorded on my iPhone as we drove to the airport so I could fly to a friend’s wedding… How appropriate that this week I planned to talk about a relationship practice my husband and I adopted a few years ago, that we call “Quarterly Date Day”. And, since my dear husband was a captive audience, this week’s vlog is an INTERVIEW with him! Enjoy!

Are you planning a Quarterly Date Day of your own? Here are some ideas to get you started.

  1. Clear your calendar and to-do list to make room. Take the day off, arrange for childcare, defer tasks; this is not an opportunity to catch up on anything but connecting with each other!
  2. Go analog… If you can leave your cell phone behind, do it. If you can’t, at least turn off non-essential notifications and avoid answering non-emergency calls.
  3. Plan at least one novel activity that you haven’t done together before (or in a very long time); variety is essential to making the experience special! You don’t have to plan every minute of the day, nor does everything have to be fresh and new… But at least a portion ought to be to get the most out of the experience. This is about breaking out of the routines of daily life to be focused on each other! Don’t make Quarterly Date Day too routine, too.
  4. Alternate planning responsibilities between you and your partner. This also helps keep things fresh and there’s a certain thrill associated with giving your partner an awesome experience… Share the love!
  5. Schedule QDD (Quarterly Date Day) a year in advance. Pick the days, book them off at work and on your calendars. Look forward to them like holidays!

QDD is just one of a few habits we have adopted to help ensure we keep our relationship strong as a couple. 


What could you do to stay connected in your closest relationship?


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